
The people who loved food

These are the Facts: John and Jane were madly in love. The only thing that John and Jane loved more than each other was their common love for Food. John and Jane lived and worked in one of the newly built Megacity-Super Structures, where an Individual can spend their entire life time and never step out of the building. This is their Fate: One day John heard rumours about this amazing new restaurant who are pushing the boundaries of what culinary sciences could accomplish. So of course John and Jane decided that they should go and explore the restaurant. The only problem was that it was not situated in their own MegaCity. So John and Jane decided that they should hop on an Airplane to fly to the Megacity to eat at the Restaurant Is this Fiction ?: It was a pleasant day when they boarded the plane and took off to go accomplish their dream. But their plane never landed, and they were never heard from again. Rumours say that their was never any such flight which took o

Awesome Indo-Thai Chicken Recipe

So as you all know I was the finalist in the Australian version of Master-chef Australia.  Ohh wait.. Australia is where Master-chef started…. so does that mean that Aussies don’t need to say ‘Master-chef Australia' as it is the original version and every other country adopted it there after so everyone else other than people in Australia need to add the country name at the end of the show name in this case? But anyways, I digress. So yes, going back…Me .. chef…chicken…. cooking… Recipe. It all started one long weekend when on the last day of holiday I woke up late and felt really hungry, but it was already at that awkward time of the morning when you are no longer sure if it is time for breakfast or if you maybe possibly wait another 30 minutes its socially acceptable to call it lunch time. So as any responsible adult would, I made the choice and ignored both those choices and went out in search for a cup of coffee.  I smell coffee over Yonder Which during the holid


Restless: Offering no physical or emotional rest; involving constant activity or motion. Different people define “Home” in different ways. For some Home is where you are born and brought up. For others Home is where your parents, your loved ones live. No matter where they would be in the world. Home is always something they can come back to. But there are some like me who consider home as “Where I am”. No matter which city, state, country I am in, home for me is the place I go back to at the end of the day.  This leads to some very confusing scenarios quite often, when people ask: “So when are you going home?” and I answer.. maybe in another 30 minutes.  They expect me to reply with a date/month of my next vacation when I would be going back to my family. But I end up telling them when I would be going back to the place which they consider as a house but I consider as “Home”. 11 years ago, during my first few days on the Internet, I had ended up creating an Id called “cosmic

Rainbow Bridge

On one side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge. When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable. All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind. They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster. You have been spotted, and when you and your

Uncertain and Relative Food Objects

Shrijeet Roy Choudhary: Can someone please explain.. On an All-India-Level what is a Phulka, Roti,Chapathi and Paratha.. Every few 100 Kms the definition completely changes.. Priyanka Roy Chaudhury: This question coming from Google Baba Shrijeet Roy Choudhary? Shrijeet Roy Choudhary: Coz there is no right answer.. So what you made is not a Phulka.. Its like Einstein's Theory of Relativity and Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle combined into one object... The name of the object you made is always uncertain and relative. THIS IS COSMIC BLASTING OFF !!!!!!!!

Life is awful because Dragons are extinct

print("Hello World!")   It has been a long time since we last met, a lot has changed since then.  The human race has progressed into what some of them assume is the year 2013. (Idiots) . Game of Thrones Season 4 is proving to be really Epic.  I have started reading more of Ender's Adventures (Before the movie comes out this year and spoils everything) . I am working close to 12 hours everyday. (Resulting in this blog being neglected) Winter is coming !! (The Aussie One, and not in Westeros) But some other things remain the same, such as the ailments of the heart. So when one of my friends pinged me on IM today with a question: (6:33:54 PM) Korean Friend: why is life soo swfulll (6:33:58 PM)  Korean Friend : awfulll (6:33:59 PM)  Korean Friend : * (6:34:13 PM) Roy: All because Dragons have gone extinct (6:34:20 PM) Roy: Scientifically Proven I blurted out a random response without thinking (as usual) . But then this response got me thinking, as to h

The force of Gravity

Gravity, defined by Wikipedia as: “A natural phenomenon by which physical bodies attract each other (with a force proportional to their masses).” That’s the scientific law, defined by scientists based on facts, logic, experimentation and observations. It holds true in the Physical world. No questions asked. But what about the world which we weave in our minds, the world where laws of Physics don’t apply. A world where we fly in our dreams and fall in our nightmares. As evident by our dreams, in this imaginary world the force of gravity does not always hold true.  The same applies to the second part of the law: “ …physical bodies attract each other with a force proportional to their masses. ”  In this world conceived by our minds, it is not always necessary that to have the force of attraction there needs to be 2 physical entities which attract each other. ( And definitely not proportional to their masses ) Often seen the force of attraction in our own worlds defies the law